Līga Jankova
Dr. oec.Amats
- Uzņēmējdarbības un vadībzinātnes institūts - docente; pētniece
Pieņemšanas laiki
- T
14:00 - 16:30, 202. telpa
Katru otro nedēļu klātienē vai katru nedēļu BBB iepriekš vienojoties liga.jankova@lbtu.lv
Studiju kursi
Zinātniskās publikācijas
- Synergy between rural and smart tourism: is it possible and necessary? / Anita Auzina, Andra Zvirbule, Liga Jankova
- Industrial parks in Latvia / Liga Jankova, Antra Line, Anita Auzina
- Urban agriculture – population's attitude towards practice and products in Latvia / Madara Dobele, Aina Dobele, Andra Zvirbule, Liga Jankova, Andrejs Lazdins
- Regional smart cultural tourism destinations in a region of Latvia / Liga Jankova, Anita Auzina, Andra Zvirbule
- Communication in Aland golfklubb / Kristīne Žīgure, Līga Jankova
- Differences in social entrepreneurship between countries / Inguna Jurgelane-Kaldava, Liga Jankova, Agnese Batenko
- Job satisfaction with working conditions in “PUTUP” Ltd / Anna Parafjanoviča, Līga Jankova
- Commercial transactions in the digital environment in Latvia / Liga Jankova, Andrejs Lazdins, Anita Auzina
- Economic potential of recreational fishing for sustainable development of coastal area / Tamara Grizane, Aija Sannikova, Līga Jankova, Inguna Jurgelane
- Quantitative analysis of demand for restoration services in Jelgava old town quarter development example / Andrejs Lazdins, Liga Jankova, Madara Dobele, Aina Dobele
- Socio-economic comparison of the municipalities of Zemgale region in Latvia / Liga Jankova, Anita Auzina, Tamara Grizane, Inguna Jurgelane
- Eco-innovation performance in Latvia and the interrelation of the factors affecting IT / Anita Auzina, Lasma Licite, Liga Jankova
- The analysis of employee motivation in "Rimi Latvia", Ltd. / Jeļizaveta Bļinova, Līga Jankova
- Topicality of crafts in the development of Jelgava old town quarter / Liga Jankova, Andrejs Lazdins, Madara Dobele, Aina Dobele
- Economic factors in the choice of studies and work / Aija Sannikova, Velga Vevere, Tamara Grizane, Liga Jankova
- Factors affecting eco-innovation in Latvia / Anita Auzina, Lasma Licite, Liga Jankova
- Sustainable management of mineral resources in the context of JSC "LATVIA’S STATE FORESTS" circular economy / Andrejs Lazdins, Liga Jankova, Anita Auzina
- Business activity in Latvia / Liga Jankova, Tamara Grizane, Inguna Jurgelane-Kaldava
- Medical tourism services in the Baltic States: dentistry / Tamara Grizane, Liga Jankova, Aija Sannikova, Inguna Jurgelane
- Opportunities for Latvian export of medical services / Tamāra Grizāne, Ingūna Jurgelāne, Līga Jankova, Aija Sannikova
- Personnel management in national authority / Uģis Vangalis, Līga Jankova
- Activity of master craftsmen in Latvia / Liga Jankova, Andrejs Lazdins, Anita Auzina
- Improving the attraction of European Union Funds in the regions of Latvia / Līga Jankova
- Eiropas Savienības fondu izmantošana reģionos : promocijas darba kopsavilkums ekonomikas doktora (Dr. oec.) zinātniskā grāda iegūšanai / Līga Jankova ; Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte. Ekonomikas fakultāte ; [zinātniskā vadītāja Irina Pilvere] = European Union funds use in regions : summary of the PhD paper for the scientific degree of Dr. oec. / Līga Jankova ; Latvia University of Agriculture. Faculty of Economics ; [scientific advisor Irina Pilvere].
- Eiropas Savienības fondu izmantošana reģionos : promocijas darbs ekonomikas doktora (Dr. oec.) zinātniskā grāda iegūšanai / Līga Jankova ; Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte. Ekonomikas fakultāte. Ekonomikas katedra ; [zinātniskā vadītāja Irina Pilvere].
- Regulation and institutional system for the introduction of the EU funds / Liga Jankova, Irina Pilvere
- Priorities of the European Union structural funds in Zemgale region (Latvia) / Līga Jankova, Irina Pilvere
- Support of European Union Structural Funds to the entrepreneurs in Zemgale region (Latvia) / Līga Jankova
- Protekcionisma instrumentu ietekme primāro un sekundāro sfēru ilgtspējīgā attīstībā = Impact of protectionism tools on sustainable development of primary spheres / I. Pilvere, V. Strīķis, I. Jakušonoka, I. Upīte, A. Nipers, J. Ozoliņš, V. Tetere, S. Kļava, L. Jankova, Z. Bulderberga