Lāsma Līcīte-Ķurbe
Dr. oec.Amati
- Komunikācijas un mārketinga centrs - komunikācijas un mārketinga centra vadītāja
- Uzņēmējdarbības un vadībzinātnes institūts - asociētā profesore; vadošā pētniece
Pieņemšanas laiki
Pieņemšanas laiki nav norādīti.
Studiju kursi
Zinātniskās publikācijas
- Gains from introducing e-CMR by international manufacturing company / Lasma Licite-Kurbe, Zane Ozolina
- Examination of the experience of work integration social enterprises in Latvia / Lasma Licite-Kurbe, Liva Sevcuna
- Characteristics of and development opportunities for work integration social enterprises in Latvia / Lāsma Līcīte-Ķurbe, Linda Groma.
- Labour market characteristics of persons with disability in Latvia / Lasma Licite-Kurbe, Liva Sevcuna
- Challenges to the development of work integration social enterprises in Latvia / Lāsma Līcīte-Ķurbe
- Social entrepreneurship definition and essence in the Latvia context / Dana Gintere, Lasma Licite-Kurbe
- The role of social enterprises in rural areas = Sociālo uzņēmumu nozīme lauku teritorijās / Lāsma Līcīte-Ķurbe, Linda Groma.
- Challenges for social enterprises in Latvia / Henrijs Kalkis, Lolita Vilka, Lāsma Līcīte-Ķurbe, Ilze Trapenciere, Marta Urbāne
- Economic benefits of remote work from the employer perspective / Lasma Licite-Kurbe, Ruta Leonovica
- Evaluation of social enterprise criteria in Latvia / Lasma Licite-Kurbe, Linda Groma
- Theoretical aspects of social entrepreneurship in the context of the environment / Linda Groma, Lasma Licite-Kurbe
- Social enterprise profile in Latvian regions / Dana Gintere, Lasma Licite-Kurbe
- Analysis of financial support instruments for social enterprises in Latvia / Lasma Licite-Kurbe, Dana Gintere
- Analysis of the introduction of business intelligence and data warehousing into businesses in Latvia / Janis Birznieks, Lasma Licite-Kurbe
- Characteristics of the factors affecting the performance of the global business services sector in Latvia / Edite Zile, Lasma Licite-Kurbe
- Social entrepreneurship theories in the context of the environment = Sociālās uzņēmējdarbības teorijas vides kontekstā / Linda Groma, Lasma Licite-Kurbe
- Social enterprises in rural areas : a comparative study of the Baltic States / Roger Evans, Mervi Raudsaar, Lāsma Līcīte-Ķurbe, Eglė Butkevičienė, Philipp Erpf, Audronė Urmanavičienė, Agota Giedrė Raišienė
- Pasākuma "Atbalsts sociālajai uzņēmējdarbībai" starprezultātu novērtēšana un priekšlikumu izstrāde tiesiskā ietvara un atbalsta pilnveidošanai (identifikācijas numurs: LRLM2020/32-4-09/3ESF). Gala ziņojums. Eiropas Sociālā fonda projekta "Atbalsts sociālajai uzņēmējdarbībai" Nr. ietvaros / Mārtiņš Knite, Lāsma Līcīte-Ķurbe, Aivars Timofejevs, Ludmila Kasperoviča, Kristīne Smirnova
- Challenges in human resource management in the culture industry in Latvia / Sanita Bethere, Lasma Licite-Kurbe
- Role of social entrepreneurship in tackling environmental problems / L. Licite, L. Perkune, A. Auzina
- Eco-innovation performance in Latvia and the interrelation of the factors affecting IT / Anita Auzina, Lasma Licite, Liga Jankova
- Characteristics and challenges of the internet of things in entrepreneurship / Lasma Licite-Kurbe, Athul Chandramohan
- Evaluation of business intelligence and data warehouse implementation in business / Janis Birznieks, Lasma Licite
- Evaluation of perspectives and limitations on telework / Ruta Leonovica, Lasma Licite
- State of play of the social entrepreneurship sector : report of the interreg V-A Latvia-Lithuania cross border cooperation programme region prepared by "SAFEGE Baltija" December, 2020 / Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development Republic of Latvia Simona Gaidytė, Aušra Pulauskaitė, Dovilė Kriukelytė, Justina Lukaševičiūtė, Daiva Liugienė, Viktorija Bražiūnaitė, Andris Kucins, Aiga Meri, Mairita Pauliņa, Lāsma Līcīte – Ķurbe, Juris Cebulis, Vita Brakovska, Regita Zeiļa, Dace Indrika
- The development of global business services sector in Latvia / Edite Zile, Lasma Licite
- Motivational factors of culture sector human resources in the context of generations / Sanita Bethere, Lasma Licite
- Development opportunities for producing wood pellets in Latvia / Lasma Licite, Janis Cunskis, Anita Auzina
- Students’ expectations towards their coursemates in the academic environment / Lasma Licite, Lana Janmere
- Legal aspects and support instruments for social entrepreneurship in the Baltic states / Linda Perkune, Lasma Licite
- Sociālās inovācijas veicināšanas scenāriji Latvijā / Lāsma Līcīte, Gunta Grīnberga-Zālīte
- Sociālās inovācijas pieredze Latvijā: sociālās problēmas un to risinājumi / Gunta Grīnberga-Zālīte, Lāsma Līcīte, Laura Jeroščenkova
- Values and motivation of generations in labour market / Sanita Bethere, Lasma Licite
- Historical development of social entrepreneurship / Linda Perkune, Lasma Licite
- Analysis of wood pellet production in Latvia / Lasma Licite, Janis Cunskis
- Sociālās inovācijas būtība un izaicinājumi sociālās inovācijas pētniecībā / Lāsma Līcīte, Svetlana Surikova, Gunta Grīnberga-Zālīte
- Labour market expectations of generation Y / Linda Perkune, Lasma Licite
- Factors affecting eco-innovation in Latvia / Anita Auzina, Lasma Licite, Liga Jankova
- Social enterprises and their ecosystems in Europe : country report Latvia / Lāsma Līcīte.
- Role of the social environment in the study process for millennials / Lasma Licite, Lana Janmere, Anita Auzina
- Social entrepreneurship and social innovation: theoretical discourse / Lasma Licite, Gunta Grinberga-Zalite
- Student expectations towards physical environment in higher education / Lasma Licite, Lana Janmere
- Ekonomiskā attīstība / Remigijs Počs, Nataļja Lāce, Karine Oganisjana, Konstantins Kozlovskis, Nicolas Monge-Iriarte, Gunta Grīnberga-Zālīte, Lāsma Līcite (Dobele) u.c.
- Entrepreneurship in Rural Areas through the production and exploitation of medicinal and aromatic plants : manual / Dana Maria Bobiţ, Mariana Ciufu, Viorica Ghinea, Lāsma Līcīte, Aina Muška [un vēl 4 autori].
- Analysis and development of opportunities for the sugar industry of India / Hemant Kishor Patil, Lasma Licite
- Availability of workforce in the mechanical engineering and metalworking industry / Andris Sebins, Lasma Licite
- Expectations of generation Y in the labour market / Linda Perkune, Lasma Licite
- Company strategic prospects: a case study of Konekesko Latvia LTD / Anita Auzina, Lasma Licite, Janis Cers
- Challenges for the mechanical engineering and metalworking industry in Latvia / Lasma Licite, Andris Sebins
- How to Plan Business? / Aina Muška, Līga Paula, Lāsma Līcīte, Dina Popluga
- Education in rural entrepreneurship through producing and valorizing herbs that are endangered or available only from spontaneous flora : training course curriculum / Dina Popluga, Aina Muška, Līga Paula, Lāsma Līcīte
- Pamatnostādnes sociālo problēmu risināšanā: sociālā darba loma sociālajā uzņēmējdarbībā = Guidelines for social problems solution: the role of social work in social entrepreneurship / Lāsma Līcīte.
- Theoretical models of social enterprises in Latvia / Lasma Licite
- Corporate social responsibility as a prerequisite for sustainable development in the banking sector / Anna Smertjeva, Lasma Licite
- Corporate social responsibility – one of prerequisites for sustainable development in the banking sector / Lasma Licite, Anna Smertjeva
- Quality management system as a component of customer management : a case study of the JSC Sadales Tikls / Anita Auziņa, Lasma Licite
- Challenges for university teachers in higher education in a new millennial era / Lasma Licite, Lana Janmere, Anita Auzina
- Millennial student expectations towards higher education in Latvia / Lasma Licite, Lana Janmere
- Influencing factors of small breweries in Latvia / Lasma Licite, Arita Lukss
- Marketing development opportunities at “ECOS” Ltd / Arita Lukss, Lasma Licite
- Performance and improvement of “BVP” Ltd / Janis Auzins, Lasma Licite
- Human resource management in “LDz Cargo” Ltd / Julija Dudorova, Lasma Dobele
- The legal framework and support instruments for social entrepreneurship development in Latvia = Sociālās uzņēmējdarbības attīstības tiesiskais ietvars un atbalsta instrumenti Latvijā / Lāsma Dobele
- Is lower price really better? Hemophilia case in Latvia / Baiba Ziemele, Lāsma Dobele
- A new approach in higher education: social entrepreneurship education / Lāsma Dobele
- Business meets art : beyond the traditional approach to education, management and business / scientific editors: Irina Sennikova, Tatjana Vasiljeva ; rewiewers: Danica Purg, Gunta Grinberga-Zalite, Ingrida Jakusonoka, Irina Arhipova, Lasma Dobele ... et. al]
- Challenges with engineering education from the marketing perspective / Lasma Dobele, Irina Deicmane, Lana Janmere
- Opportunities of integrating social awareness in higher education to enhance the development of social innovation in Latvia / L. Dobele, G. Grinberga-Zalite
- Risk management in the farm “Birznieki” / Zanda Dombrovska, Lasma Dobele
- Development opportunities of “Pie Cezara” Ltd / Guna Meija, Lasma Dobele
- Logistics improvement possibilities in entrepreneurship / Lasma Dobele, Kristine Gricmane, Anita Auzina
- Competitiveness of social entrepreneurship in Latvia = Socialinio verslumo konkurencingumas Latvijoje / Lāsma Dobele, Arta Pietere
- Factors which influence the development of social innovation in Latvia / Lasma Dobele
- Development of social entrepreneurship in the Baltic states / L. Dobele
- Financial analysis of the JSC "HAITEK" / Aigars Legzdins, Lasma Dobele
- Organization of logistics in "DSG Karjeri" Ltd and opportunities of its development / Kristine Gricmane, Lasma Dobele
- Sustainable economic development: scenarios for promotion of social innovation in Latvia / Lasma Dobele, Gunta Grinberga-Zalite, Linda Kelle
- Corporation "VG KVADRA PAK" profitability analysis / Annija Marecka, Lāsma Dobele
- Sociālās uzņēmējdarbības iespējas Latvijā / Lāsma Dobele
- Assessment of risk management in Ltd Madara Cosmetics / Vineta Kublinska, Lasma Dobele
- Economic gains from social entrepreneurship development in Latvia = Socialinės entreprenerystės plėtros Latvijoje ekonominė nauda / Lāsma Dobele, Aina Dobele
- Theoretical aspects of labour taxes and their effects on the labour market / Lasma Dobele, Irina Pilvere, Aleksejs Nipers
- Sociālās uzņēmējdarbības attīstības iespējas Latvijā : promocijas darbs ekonomikas doktora (Dr.oec.) zinātniskā grāda iegūšanai / Lāsma Dobele ; promocijas darba zinātniskā vadītāja Aina Dobele ; Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte. Ekonomikas un sabiedrības attīstības fakultāte. Uzņēmējvadības un vadībzinātnes institūts.
- Social entrepreneurship development scenarios in Latvia / Lasma Dobele, Aina Dobele
- Sociālās uzņēmējdarbības attīstības iespējas Latvijā : promocijas darba kopsavilkums ekonomikas doktora (Dr.oec.) zinātniskā grāda iegūšanai / Lāsma Dobele ; [promocijas darba zinātniskā vadītāja Aina Dobele] ; Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte. Ekonomikas un sabiedrības attīstības fakultāte = Social entrepreneurship development possibilities in Latvia : summary of the Doctoral thesis for the scientific degree of Dr.oec. / Lāsma Dobele ; [scientific supervisor of doctoral dissertation Aina Dobele] ; Latvia University of Agriculture. Faculty of Economics and Social development.
- Social entrepreneurship problems and solutions: a case study of Latvia / Lasma Dobele
- Social entrepreneurship paradigm and its assessment in Latvia / Lasma Dobele
- Land resources for agricultural production in Latvia / Aina Dobele, Irina Pilvere, Edgars Ozols, Lasma Dobele
- Evaluation of administrative burden in municipalities of Latvia / Irina Pilvere, Aleksejs Nipers, Ilze Upite, Zane Bulderberga, Dina Popluga, Aina Dobele, Lasma Dobele
- Profesora dzīves pamatvērtības : [par Kazimiru Špoģi] / Lāsma Dobele, Agnese Radžele-Šulce
- Essence and employment of human resources in business of Latvia/ Lāsma Līcīte, Aina Dobele, Dace Vīksne
- Tendencies of employment of human resources in entrepreneurship in Latvia / Lāsma Līcīte, Aina Dobele
- The changes of significance and availability of human resources in Latvia region / Lasma Licite, Aina Dobele