Gunita Mazūre
Dr. oec.Amats
- Ekonomikas un finanšu institūts - asociētā profesore; vadošā pētniece
Pieņemšanas laiki
- O 14:00 - 15:00, dienu iepriekš obligāti piesakoties e-pastā.
- T 14:00 - 15:00, dienu iepriekš obligāti piesakoties e-pastā.
Studiju kursi
Zinātniskās publikācijas
- Analytic hierarchy process assessment framework for blockchain in renewable energy / Anete Kalniņa, Francesco Romagnoli, Maksims Feofilovs, Gunita Mazūre
- Challenges of the circular economy in Latvia in the context of the EU long-term strategy / Inguna Leibus, Gunita Mazure, Luize Filipova
- Assessment of the threat to the operation of agricultural cooperatives in Latvia using financial analysis / Inguna Leibus, Gunita Mazure
- Private pension funds in Latvia: investment strategies and performance of pension plans / Gunita Mazure
- Energy efficiency improvement support programmes for private buildings in Latvia / Gunita Mazure
- Blockchain Applications in Renewable Energy: Analytic Hierarchy Process-Based Survey Results / Anete Kalnina, Francesco Romagnoli, Maksims Feofilovs, Gunita Mazure
- Assessment of social protection for families with children in the EU member states / Baiba Mistre, Inguna Leibus, Gunita Mazure
- Evaluation of scenarios for the improvement of social protection for families with children in Latvia / Baiba Mistre, Inguna Leibus, Gunita Mazure, Peteris Rivza
- Assessment of financial distress in agricultural cooperatives in Latvia applying the prevention system indicators / Gunita Mazure, Inguna Leibus, Rolands Feldmanis
- Assessment of social benefits for families with children in Latvia / Baiba Mistre, Inguna Leibus, Gunita Mazure
- State funded pension schemes in the Baltic states: assets and return analysis / Gunita Mazure
- Repowereu and energy market in the European Union: possibilities for deployment of blockchain technology / Anete Kalniņa, Gunita Mazūre
- Property and casualty insurance market: assessment of trends and fraud cases in Latvia vs Europe / Gunita Mazure, Lasma Mazure
- Opportunities for use of crypto-assets in renewable energy sector within European Union legal framework / Anete Kalnina, Gunita Mazure
- Financial platforms as alternative financial instrument to crediting in Europe / Gunita Mazure
- Investment and expenditure of financial resources in waste management sector / Gunita Mazure
- Analysis of potential application of blockchain technology in renewable energy sector / Gunita Mazure, Anete Kalnina
- Tertiary stem fields education in the context of the Baltic States / Gunita Mazure
- International credit unions / Elīza Elza Lipšāne, Kristīne Ozoliņa, Gunita Mazūre
- Problems and solutions for abandonment of utilised agricultural areas in Latvia / Edite Arika, Gunita Mazure
- Central bank currency exchange swap transactions in the foreign exchange market of Latvia / Gunita Mazure, Laura Vebere
- Integration of social innovation creation in higher education for enhancing of economic development in Latvia / Gunta Grinberga-Zalite, Gunita Mazure
- Environmental investments as financial instrument for the implementation of environmental policy in Latvia / Gunita Mazure, Inguna Leibus
- Non-bank consumer crediting trends in Latvia / Gunita Mazure
- Environmental taxes as fiscal instrument for the increase of resource efficiency in Latvia / Inguna Leibus, Gunita Mazure
- Perspectives of crowdfunding as innovative and alternative finance platform in Latvia / Gunita Mazure
- Production and consumption of fuelwood as energy resource: case of Latvia / Gunita Mazure, Gunta Grinberga-Zalite
- Performance of international credit unions movement / Gunita Mazure
- Opportunities for development of organic milk production and processing in Latvia / Anastasija Vilcina, Gunta Grinberga-Zalite, Gunita Mazure, Elina Dumpe
- Analysis of environmental tax revenues in the Baltic States / I. Leibus, G. Mazure
- Application of immovable property tax in the European union member states = Применение налога на недвижимость в странах Европейского Союза / Sandra Štucere, Gunita Mazūre
- Income taxation development trends in the Baltic States / Gunita Mazure, Dace Viksne
- Assessment and possible expansion of taxes transferred to local government budgets in Latvia / Sandra Stucere, Gunita Mazure
- Application of immovable property tax in the regions of Latvia / Sandra Stucere, Gunita Mazure
- Finding financial distress predictor of farms / Vaida Stulpinienė, Gunita Mazūre
- Functioning of immovable property tax system environment in Latvia / Sandra Štucere, Gunita Mazūre
- Theoretical aspects of immovable property tax / Sandra Štucere, Gunita Mazūre
- Development of immovable property tax in Latvia / Sandra Štucere, Gunita Mazūre
- Application of immovable property tax in the european union member states / Sandra Štucere, Gunita Mazūre
- Application of immovable property tax in the Baltic States / S. Štucere, G. Mazūre
- Assessment of factors affecting the amount of immovable property tax in Latvia = Tiesioginė valstybės parama žemės ūkio ir kaimo plėtra Latvijoje / Sandra Stucere, Gunita Mazure
- Direct state aid measures for agriculture and rural development in Latvia = Tiesioginė valstybės parama žemės ūkio ir kaimo plėtra Latvijoje / Gunita Mazūre
- Application of immovable property tax in the EU Baltic Sea region countries / Sandra Stucere, Gunita Mazure
- Mortgage lending market development tendencies within the context of global financial crisis / Gunita Mazure
- Comparative assessment of global and local ranking of higher education institutions / Dace Viksne, Gunita Mazure
- Bargā un svētīgā mācība : [par Kazimiru Špoģi] / Gunita Mazūre
- Development of credit unions as instrument for expansion of crediting / Gunita Mazūre
- Agriculture and cultural heritage of Latvia / Gunita Mazūre, Dace Vīksne, Baiba Rivža
- Possibilities to use Latvia wood resources for heat energy production / Ligita Bite, Gunita Mazure, Kristaps Makovskis
- Shadow economy and its relation to the tax system of Latvia / Dace Viksne, Gunita Mazure
- Quality assurance aspects of higher education in Latvia / Dace Vīksne, Gunita Mazūre
- National and financial policy of higher education in Latvia / Gunita Mazūre, Dace Vīksne
- Credit guarantees for rural business development before and during the economic and financial crisis in Latvia = Kaimo verslų plėtros kreditavimo garantijos Latvijoje iki ekonominės ir finansinės krizės ir po jos / Īrija Vītola, Irēna Baraškina
- Changing conditions in financing public higher education in Latvia: problems, opportunities and solutions for cost-sharing = Aukštojo mokslo finansavimo sąlygų kitimas Latvijoje: problemos, galimybös ir sprendimai döl kaštų pasidalijimo / Gunita Mazūre, Dace Vīksne
- Forfaiting and factoring as the means for handling transactions / Gunita Mazūre
- Leasing Development and Dynamics in the World and Europe = Līzinga attīstība un dinamika pasaulē un Eiropā / Gunita Mazūre
- Risk management paradigms at agricultural enterprises / Kazimirs Špoģis, Gunita Mazūre, Dana Švēdere
- Regional higher education institutions and their contribution to economic development efforts / G. Mazūre, D. Vīksne, B. Rivža
- Concentration and dispersion of production as risk management method, opportunity or threat in agriculture / Kazimirs Špoģis, Gunita Mazūre, Dana Švēdere
- Financial support for agriculture and rural development: credits, credit guarantees, and investments / Gunita Mazūre
- Link between regional higher education institutions and rural development / Gunita Mazure, Dace Viksne, Irina Pilvere
- Juxtaposition of academic-scientific potential and financial resources in regional HEI in Latvia / Gunita Mazūre, Baiba Rivža, Dace Vīksne
- Effective use of financial resources for rural development of Latvia / G. Mazure
- Development of human and financial resources in regional HEIs of Latvia / D. Viksne, G. Mazure
- Valsts atbalsta politikas īstenošana lauksaimniecības attīstībai = Implementation of state support policy for the development of agriculture / Gunita Mazūre
- Agrarian issues in Latvia under the context of knowledge based economy = Kwestie agrarne na Latwie w kontekście gospodarki opartej na wiedzy / Anda Vītiņa, Kazimirs Špoģis, Gunita Mazūre
- Kredītu ietekmes uz lauksaimniecisko ražošanu un lauku uzņēmējdarbības attīstību novērtējums = Impact of credits on the development of agricultural production and rural entrepreneurship / Gunita Mazūre
- Credit market of agriculture and rural entrepreneurship = Lauksaimniecības un lauku uzņēmējdarbības kredītu tirgus / Gunita Mazūre
- Foreign investments in agriculture, forestry and food industry and their impact on GDP and export of particular sectors = Ārvalstu investīcijas lauksaimniecības, mežsaimniecības un pārtikas nozarēs un to ietekme uz šo nozaru IKP un eksportu / Gunita Mazūre
- Macroeconomic factors influencing lending rates / Gunita Mazūre