Anita Auziņa
Dr. oec.Amati
- Ekonomikas un sabiedrības attīstības fakultāte - studiju programmas direktore
- Uzņēmējdarbības un vadībzinātnes institūts - profesore; vadošā pētniece
Pieņemšanas laiki
- P
14:00 - 15:00, 213.telpa
Par konsultācijām vēlams iepriekš vienoties - T
14:00 - 15:00, 213.telpa
Par konsultācijām vēlams iepriekš vienoties
Studiju kursi
- Uzņēmējdarbība
- Maģistra darbs
- Saimnieciskās darbības analīze
- Uzņēmējdarbības analīze
- Projektu vadība
Zinātniskās publikācijas
- Teaching entrepreneurship and innovation through a university incubator / Andra Zvirbule, Anita Auziņa, Gunta Grinberga-Zalite
- Motivation of educational institution employees in the generational context / Anita Auziņa, Andra Zvirbule, Gunta Grinberga-Zalite
- Towards sustainable consumption: insights from Latvian waste management practices / Gunta Grinberga-Zalite, Andra Zvirbule, Anita Auzina
- Green logistics principles and practices in logistics companies in Latvia / Andra Zvirbule, Gunta Grinberga-Zalite, Anita Auzina
- Regional smart cultural tourism destinations in a region of Latvia / Liga Jankova, Anita Auzina, Andra Zvirbule
- Synergy between rural and smart tourism: is it possible and necessary? / Anita Auzina, Andra Zvirbule, Liga Jankova
- Gastronomic tourism and smart solutions used for its development: the case of a region of Latvia / Andra Zvirbule, Anita Auzina, Gunta Grinberga-Zalite
- Industrial parks in Latvia / Liga Jankova, Antra Line, Anita Auzina
- Strategic prospects for green technology companies: a case study in Latvia / Anita Auzina, Eliza Liga Lamberga
- Foreword / Anita Auzina
- Organic grain production opportunities in Latvia by using the most appropriate cooperation model / Andra Zvirbule, Anita Auzina, Gunta Grinberga-Zalite, Diana Liva
- Eco-innovation as a factor in the competitiveness of environmental protection companies / Anita Auzina, Andra Zvirbule, Eliza Liga Lamberga
- Digital transformation for increasing the competitiveness and exportability in the enterprises of the fisheries sector / Agnese Eizenberga, Sandija Zeverte-Rivza, Anita Auzina
- Commercial transactions in the digital environment in Latvia / Liga Jankova, Andrejs Lazdins, Anita Auzina
- Eco-innovation performance in Latvia and the interrelation of the factors affecting IT / Anita Auzina, Lasma Licite, Liga Jankova
- Socio-economic comparison of the municipalities of Zemgale region in Latvia / Liga Jankova, Anita Auzina, Tamara Grizane, Inguna Jurgelane
- Role of social entrepreneurship in tackling environmental problems / L. Licite, L. Perkune, A. Auzina
- Social entrepreneurship as a tool for the development of non-government organization’s activities: a case study of the association "Oranzais stars"/ Inga Bale, Anita Auzina
- Factors affecting eco-innovation in Latvia / Anita Auzina, Lasma Licite, Liga Jankova
- Contribution of the transport industry to economic growth in Latvia / Anita Auzina, Andra Zvirbule
- Factors affecting urban and peri-urban agricultural development: the case of Latvia / Andra Zvirbule, Madara Dobele, Anita Auzina
- Latvian Ecolabel green certificate – an example of sustainable rural tourism in the use of ecosystem services / Juris Smaļinskis, Anita Auziņa
- Contribution of the transport industry to economic growth in Latvia / Andra Zvirbule, Anita Auzina
- Sustainable management of mineral resources in the context of JSC "LATVIA’S STATE FORESTS" circular economy / Andrejs Lazdins, Liga Jankova, Anita Auzina
- Ekonomikas un sabiedrības attīstības fakultāte 1/2 no 100 : 2014.-2018. gads / galvenā redaktore un sastādītāja Andra Zvirbule ; teksta redaktore Gunita Mazūre ; dizains: Santa Lipšāne ; ESAF.
- Uzņēmējdarbības un vadībzinātnes institūts / Anita Auziņa
- Astra Asejeva / Anita Auziņa
- Development opportunities for producing wood pellets in Latvia / Lasma Licite, Janis Cunskis, Anita Auzina
- Factors affecting urban and peri-urban agricultural development: the case of Latvia / Andra Zvirbule, Madara Dobele, Anita Auzina
- Company strategic prospects: a case study of Konekesko Latvia LTD / Anita Auzina, Lasma Licite, Janis Cers
- Role of the social environment in the study process for millennials / Lasma Licite, Lana Janmere, Anita Auzina
- Activity of master craftsmen in Latvia / Liga Jankova, Andrejs Lazdins, Anita Auzina
- Quality management system as a component of customer management : a case study of the JSC Sadales Tikls / Anita Auziņa, Lasma Licite
- Theoretical aspects of the nature and influencing factors of eco-innovations / Anita Auzina, Andra Zvirbule, Karina Tihonova
- Factors affecting the insolvency in Latvia / Aina Muska, Anita Auzina
- Social capital as a development support tool in Zemgale region / Liga Jankova, Tamara Grizane, Inguna Jurgelane, Anita Auzina
- Preconditions for establishment and historical development stages of Latvian rural tourism association "Country Holidays" / Juris Smalinskis, Anita Auzina
- Theoretical aspects of the nature and influencing factors of eco-innovations / Anita Auzina, Andra Zvirbule, Karina Tihonova
- Personnel evaluation process for employees of state administrative institutions / Andra Zvirbule, Anita Auzina
- Challenges for university teachers in higher education in a new millennial era / Lasma Licite, Lana Janmere, Anita Auzina
- Personnel evaluation process for employees of state administrative institutions / Andra Zvirbule, Anita Auzina
- European Union cohesion policy / Liga Jankova, Inguna Jurgelane, Anita Auzina
- Analysis of eco-innovation capacity and development level in Latvia in the context of European Union / Karīna Tihonova, Anita Auziņa
- Agriculture holding “Zīles” activity development / Andris Gruduls, Anita Auziņa
- Logistics systems for reusable transport packaging and opportunities for their development in the Baltic states / Andra Zvirbule, Rita Rozentale, Aina Dobele, Anita Auzina
- Eco-innovation capacity in the European Union / Anita Auzina, Andra Zvirbule
- Analysis of Latvian food and agricultural exports / Anita Auzina, Anda Zvirbule
- Development of organic farming in Latvia / Anda Zvirbule, Anita Auzina
- Logistics improvement possibilities in entrepreneurship / Lasma Dobele, Kristine Gricmane, Anita Auzina
- Food supply chain: the aspects of packaging life cycle / Andra Zvirbule-Berzina, Rita Rozentale, Aina Dobele, Anita Auzina
- Theoretical aspects on business models for private forest owners in Latvia / Zinta Zalite, Anita Auzina
- Development and implementation of AS "Latvenergo” business brand in the Baltic countries / Dace Zemņecka, Anita Auziņa
- Factors affecting the performance of accommodation enterprises in Latvia/ Aina Muška, Anita Auziņa
- Development trends in the energy sector of Latvia / Anita Auzina, Andra Zvirbule-Berzina
- Gaļas un gaļas produktu reģionālais tirgus : promocijas darbs ekonomikas doktora (Dr.oec.) zin. grāda iegūšanai / Anita Auziņa ; Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte. Ekonomikas fakultāte. Uzņēmējdarbības un vadības katedra.
- Gaļas un gaļas produktu reģionālais tirgus : promocijas darba kopsav., aprobācija, prezentācija [Dr. oec. zinātniskā grāda iegūšanai] / Anita Auziņa ; Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte. Ekonomikas fakultāte = The regional meat and meat products market : resume, approbation and presentation of PhD Paper / Anita Auziņa ; Latvia University of Agriculture. Faculty of Economics.
- Sociāli ekonomiskā vide Latvijas gaļas pārstrādes un gaļas produktu ražošanas nozarē = Social and economic environment in the sector of meat processing and production of meat products in Latvia / Anita Auziņa, Dace Vīksne